The United States is blessed with a rich history and; fantastic democracy sandwiched with people from all races, cultures, and ethnicities. Thanks to the founding fathers of this great nation, the U.S. has a platform on which it flourishes and, with that, can ensure the safety of its citizens and the citizens of other countries across the globe.
The United States Military
Regarded as one of the most if not the most technologically advanced nation in the world, this nation also ranks above everyone else when it comes to the military. All of which is made possible by individuals or citizens (servicemen and women) whose love for this great nation supersedes everything else. Devoted to serving and protecting, these servicemen and women are ready to risk it all for the United States good.
U.S. Military Sleep Systems
Sleeping is undoubtedly one of the body’s essential needs to function correctly. And when the body doesn’t get enough sleep, many health-related risks begin to kick in. With the most common being insomnia and a wide array of other ailments. To prevent such diseases from plaguing servicemen and women on a mission comes the U.S. Military Sleep Systems.
The U.S. Military Sleep System, the U.S. Military Modular Sleep System, or the MSS, comprises sleeping components designed to allow soldiers to stay and, most importantly, survive in the field under various conditions. Furthermore, the system constitutes four main elements, namely
- Two sleeping bags
- A bivy bag
- As well as a stuff sack
The Versatility of the U.S. Military Sleep Systems
The U.S. Military Sleep Systems are created not to mimic the beds soldiers have at home but rather something comfortable enough to leave the body relaxed and ready to face the battles ahead. The sleep system has everything needed for the soldiers to stay relaxed, refreshed, and sharp enough to meet the struggles set before them without fear. Unlike our beds at home or the simple picnic mats, the Military Sleep Systems are very flexible, exceptionally equipped, and versatile to handle the challenges of any weather or climatic conditions.
Pros and Cons of the U.S. Military Sleep Systems
Taking into mind the tip above. Enclosed below are some of the pros and cons associated with the U.S. Military Sleep System
- Easy to take care of the different parts
- Zips and snaps together easily
- Easy to clean
- Three to four parts
- Various temperature ranges
- Various combinations
- It packs down to a little bigger than a basketball
- Very difficult to pack down smaller
- It comes in many parts
Final Note
Military officials who risk their lives every day for our safety are acts of bravery very few can attempt. So the least we can give these trips to unknown terrains is a versatile package to help them sleep and rest better. Luckily, we have a U.S. Military sleep tool like no other in the U.S. Military Sleep System.